“When you find yourself drowning, go deeper” ~ Carl Jung
Hello lovers-of-the-mysteries-of-sleep,
I’ve said it before and I will say it again:
Sleep is deep.
There is so much to know, and to un-know.
I recently returned from a professional retreat in Cape Cod
studying Healing Sleep and Dreams
with my teacher, Dr. Rubin Naiman.
It was a nourishing schedule
including both private and public dream circles
with discussion/studies taking place in the mornings,
and afternoons/eve’s off for personal processing,
social connections, naps, daydreaming,
and explorations in nature,
especially the many wild beachscapes.
(Painting by Artist Jo Leal Clark)
Just a teeny sampling of some fun note-ables:
- You can treat snoring and sleep apnea with didgeridoo practice, particularly because of how it trains and opens upper airways – 5 minutes a day is enough! It also has many other health benefits, like being a kind of stationary meditative workout, massaging vital organs, oxygenating the body, helping with asthma, and soothing the nervous system.
- When people get enough REM (dream) sleep, pain threshold goes up 200% (50% for deep sleep, which is also pretty noteable!)
- The part of us we call “I” cannot get us to sleep. So, when individuals say “I can’t sleep”, they are correct in more ways than one.

Co-led with Misha Butot
A Weekend Restorative and Yogic Sleep Retreat
Sat & Sun, Nov 19 & 20, 9:30-4pm @ Roundhouse Farm in Saanich BC